Wednesday, November 16, 2011

12 wks

Today I'm 12 wks...YAY!!!
I am hoping my yuckiness will go away soon...this time around is a whole lot different than the last!
Example 1...see pic below!
Can you believe this? It's crazy!!! There is still 1 baby in there but compared to last time I am blowing up! Let's hope this baby isn't huge!!!
Yesterday was our First Screening appt with our high risk doctor.
They check for how much fluid is behind the neck (all babies have fluid, they are just looking for DS markers) and blood work.
Hoping to have the blood work at the end of this week or Monday.
Here are some pics of the little one, and I must say that he/she is an active thing!!! They had some problems at first getting the baby to cooperate b/c he/she was moving and flipping around!
The baby is waving!


Karabell said...

Awesome u/s pics! Aren't they amazing!?!?

Sara Price said...

Love! I'll be calling you to see if we can work in a lunch date...need to see that belly in person!